Responding to the Supreme Court’s decision that the proroguing of parliament was “unlawful, void and of no effect”, Stephen Morgan MP Member of Parliament for Portsmouth South said:
“Mr Johnson has been called out today by the Supreme Court, the highest court in these islands. No one is above the law, especially those in high office.Today the courts have stood up for the people and refused to allow Mr Johnson to pursue an illegal no deal.I knew shutting down Parliament and stopping the voice of the people was always the wrong and undemocratic thing to do for Portsmouth which is why I’ve been fighting it. Now the courts have stood up for the people too.Mr Johnson has broken the law. He must now reflect on his poor judgement, and those of his unelected advisers. He must now urgently consider his position.I welcome Parliament being recalled at this time of national crisis. I will be there to represent the people of Portsmouth.Now is the time for real leadership and putting the county first, and putting Brexit back to the people”.