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Getting young people involved in local democracy 

Mayor making takes place in the Guildhall on Tuesday

Stephen Morgan, Portsmouth Labour’s newest councillor elected in Charles Dickens ward last Thursday, is acting on plans to involve young people in local democracy. 
As part of the recent local election campaign Stephen Morgan visited a number of schools across the ward in the heart of Portsmouth talking to parents and carers at school gates or meeting with young people. This included a grilling by school councillors at Arundel Court School in Landport.
School councillors asked questions about safety in tower blocks, dog mess and improving the safety of cycling, and invited Stephen to set out his plans to make the ward a better place to live. 
Now Stephen wants to keep the engagement with young people going and has specifically written to school councillors to invite them to Mayor Making next Tuesday at the Guildhall.
In the letter to young people Stephen says:
“I’ve always wanted to represent my community and do my bit to help others – it was a dream of mine since I was young. When I was your age, we didn’t have school councils, but if we did, I would have wanted to have been on one. 

I’ve learnt a lot in recent months. Most importantly, I’ve learnt that dreams are meant to be chased and lived. So if you put your mind to something, I’ve learnt you will succeed”. 
Mayor Making takes place on Tuesday 17 May 2016 where the next Lord Mayor of Portsmouth will be sworn in. The event is open to the public but tickets are essential. 
For more information about Stephen’s community work visit